About ParNecessiTeas

Our motto is ‘When in doubt, drink tea.’ Sip on our hand crafted premium teas that are blended with love and you’ll be soothed to the soul. We have Quiet Tummy Tea, Elevate Your Mind, Hey Love, Lemon Vibes, Maxx Mint, and mmm Brown Sugar Babe tea blends. Each one is as unique as you are. Drinking tea will make your days happier and brighter. If you’re looking for the perfect gift – look no further than ParNecessiTeas!

What is a tea blend you ask? Well, it is simply a mixture of herbs, botanicals and sometimes fruit. The purpose of a tea blend is to enhance the health benefits of loose leaf tea by adding nutrients, antioxidants and various vitamins found in added ingredients such as fruits and vegetables. ParNecessiTeas offers hand crafted loose tea blends made with organic and fair trade teas that are now part of our signature offerings made with love.

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